sorry about not writing! I didn't know anyone was reading it until today!
this is kaitlin by the way. my mom is out taking kari to the optometrist. she is pretty busy lately. she was the one who made me make this blog in the first place. maybe someday she will actually post on here!
anyways, we have been pretty busy around here getting ready to move to the Dominican Republic. we leave next Thursday to go down there to test and look for a house. it has been pretty busy around here. we've been packing up, getting physicals and shots!!! not extremely fun.
that's pretty much all I can think of to write. nothing of extreme importance or interest!
A Long Overdue Update
6 years ago
Don't hate me and I will keep this private if you want but I just happened upon your blog through kikigirl...this is awesome! I'm really excited to keep up on your happenings!
WHAT?! When did this come into play? You didn't say a word about MOVING!!! ... and I just saw you! HOLY COW!! OK!! You must email me! Use this - my YUCKY email - that I'll just watch for your email and then send you a email from my REAL email and then we can keep in touch...I guess that is IF YOU WANT to keep in touch! I just found you though! We must keep in touch! I must hear how this all came to be! Anyway - email me at - I'll send you a invite to our blog (we're private now...) but then we can keep up to date! OK? I'll be watching!
I like. :) I'm coming here again. This is aunt laura by the way.
Yodelayheeeeee-hoooooooo! I'm such a good private investigator. I found you guys! Good to see you on here! This is Shmally by the by.
Oh!!! Aunt Shmallyopagus. It's been forever!!!! :)
Hi! This would be Auntie Jenn. I am so excited to find out that you have a blog! So please keep it up, when you can of course. :^>
Oh where, or where are the six chicks and the dad? We miss you! Love, Grandma W.
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