Things have been stressful here lately. The cultural differences are taking their toll on our family's happiness and Kevin has been EXTREMELY stressed out about work. Seriously, he could work 24/7 and he would still never be able to get things caught up or up to the level that they should be. He allready works several hours on Saturdays and Sundays and every night..... like 70+ hour weeks! (Imagine living like this for the last 21 months!)
Things are difficult in our ward, and I noticed that Kevin and I were turning into Laman and Lemuel (insert murmuring here) and it was rubbing off on the kiddos. (insert murmuring here) I even asked Kevin if, since you could do "home school" it would be possible to do "home church". He was not amused.
Kevin came home from a church meeting last night that was a disaster and told me that we just need to start laughing at these things. We can't change them.....seriously, you just can't change other people who don't want to change!..... and so we just need to start laughing more.
I got to thinking about a quote from Sister Hinkley that said "The only way to get through this life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or to cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."
So, here's to less headaches!
One thing that I had to laugh about yesterday......
The maid comes on Thursday's. She is very organized and hates me having anything out of place. So, if she sees anything that isn't where it goes, she puts it in a pile. (No, she doesn't put it away, just in a pile. Yes, I have tried to ask her to put away the things that she knows where they go (ex: hair stuff), but it doesn't happen). Just imagine the piles around my house now! I was working on organizing my bedroom in the morning and early afternoon, as I am wanting to work on my goal of scrapbooking in my extra time here. I had been working on one thing at a time, so as to not get overwhelmed, while I was doing the laundry and other chores I needed to accomplish.
Imagine my surprise when I entered my room with a load of laundry to fold, to discover that Morena decided that I should finish all the organizing in the room yesterday afternoon (about the time that I was starting dinner). She had taken everything off my dresser, Kevin's dresser, my night stand, Kevin's nighstand, my piles of books and magazines, etc and stacked them all over my bed so that I could put them away.
I thought that I was the boss.
Obviously, I am wrong.
~What is going on in your life lately that you need to laugh about?
A Long Overdue Update
6 years ago
Oh, man! If I had a maid like that, well, let's just say right now there isn't a bed big enough for everything to fit on. I guess I'd better get off the 'puter and get to work! Thanks for the reminder about attitude. I'd much rather laugh too! Take care!
I know the feeling of frustration! This week there has been WAY too much sickness, pukey feelings and fever in my house. And I'm going to try to laugh about it. When I start to feel better myself. :)
Stress makes us all too serious. I am so proud of you, Kim, for looking for the funny side. I've heard it says that the Lord must have a great sense of humor cause he made us!!! Well, at least it's true in my case.
The turkeys. they were supposed to be sold by now with a nice fat $500 check in my hand by next week.
Instead, this year due to unexpected competition (where did they all come from? They weren't here last year!) We have sold only 1/2 the turkeys so far.
The other day I was getting all depressed about it and then I realized something. At the end of this I'm going to have Grade A, all naturally fed, pasture raised, turkey in my freezer. And best yet, by selling some to other people, it helped cut the cost for my family.
So instead of being all depressed, I'm changing the rules. Its not a money making venture. Its just a way to get cheap grade A meat in my freezer!!!!!!
Megan....turkey....yum! You could be living here where I have only found 4 turkeys, in questionable condition, available at the supermarket. They wanted 1,450 pesos each, which translates to about $40.25 for a 15 lb. bird.
Needless to say, I haven't gotten one yet. Need to keep looking! I paid $10 for our one Halloween pumpkin! Yikes! It is all about the memories though!
I need to laugh about the photo session I did earlier today. In a way it was a sham, but if I count the fact that I was able to help the mom feel cared about, then I can just laugh about the 4 1/2 hours that I spent at her house.
Now? I have a bit of a coming headache . . . although that could be from the laffy taffy's that I just shoved down while I was reading your post. I am feeling a bit stressed myself. But you are right, it is definitely a choice and it's definitely how you look at it. :D Thanks for the reminder!
Glad you are "back" on here. I love your posts. Thanks for the reminder. I would definitely rather laugh.
One of my perfect children(not) spilt a cup of water on the keyboard and it fried it all the way down to the computer for the second time! The rule no food or drink near the computer was obviously thought to be a suggestion. Trying to have a gratitude attitude, I'm grateful my child has fingers to be able to carry a cup???!:)
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